Life and Work
The artist Manolo Valdés, born in Valencia in 1942, established his own unmistakable visual language: sculptures, prints, and collage-like wall works made of paper, sackcloth, and paint, in which he always refers directly to art historical models. Nevertheless, through his treatment of the material as well as his feeling for composition and effect, he manages to make each motif his own.
Manolo Valdés began his career in 1964 as part of the artist collective Equipo Chrónica, which consisted of Valdés and Rafael Solbes until the latter’s untimely death in 1981. Since then Valdés has continued his career alone.
His work is based on a profound knowledge of art history and a reflection on its distribution, marketing and consequences, though it cannot be reduced to this. Rather, he is moved by the question of what remains of art and can survive the centuries. His aim is to preserve the magic of art: the beauty in the silhouette of a figure, in color, form, ornament, and the wonder that can lie in a brushstroke. Each of Valdés' works constantly searches for renewed possibilities of sensual experience and experiencing art.
The gallery has a longstanding collaboration and friendship with Manolo Valdés. In the course of his career, which now spans more than 50 years, his work has been honored with numerous exhibitions in renowned international institutions. His monumental female head sculptures have been shown in New York, Paris, Valencia, and Monaco. Since the 1990s, he has also increasingly presented sculptural works in public space. In 2006 Beck & Eggeling made it possible for the city of Düsseldorf to purchase some figures from the »Las Meninas« group as part of the Quadriennale in Düsseldorf, which can now be admired in its entirety in the Hofgarten thanks to a generous donation by Manolo Valdés and the gallery.
Manolo Valdés lives and works in New York and Madrid.
1942 | Born in Valencia, ES |
1957 | Visit the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Carlos in Valencia, ES |
1958 | leaves school to devote himself entirely to painting |
1964 | Equipo Crónica founded with Joan Antonio Toledo and Rafael Solbes. Toledo is leaving a year later the group, but Valdés and Solbes continued working together until the death of Solbes in November 1981 |
1965 – 1981 | in connection with Equipo Crónica Valdes is in more than 60 solo and numerous group exhibitions |
1981 | Valdes develops his own distinctive style |
1988 | goes to New York, US, to live there for a year |
1990 | lives and works in New York, US, and in Valencia, ES |
2001 | moves into a new studio in Madrid, ES |
Works (Selection)
Solo exhibitions (selection)
2020 | Manolo Valdés. Monumentales Egeries, Opera Gallery, Paris, FR Valdés - Tiempo y materia, Fundació Bancaixa, Valencia, ES |
2019 | Manolo Valdes, Opera Gallery, London Manolo Valdés, Galerie am Lindenplatz AG, Vaduz, LI |
2018 | Manolo Valdés in Miami, Opera Gallery, Miami, US |
2016 | Manolo Valdés: Recent Work – Paintings and sculptures, Marlborough, London |
2013 | Manolo Valdés: sculpture and Works on Paper, Marlborough Gallery, New York, US Manolo Valdes: Paintings and sculptures, Pera Museum, Istanbul, TR Remixing History: Manolo Valdés, Georgia Museum of Art, Georgia, US |
2012 | Manolo Valdés, Patty and Jay Baker Naples Museum of Art, Naples, Florida, US Manolo Valdés. Picasso como pretexto, Museo Casa Nata, Malaga, ES |
2011 | Manolo Valdés. oeuvre graphiques, Marlborough Monaco, Monte Carlo, MC |
2010 | Monumental Sculpture on Broadway, Broadway NY, US new works, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, FI Manolo Valdés, À Chambord, Chateau Chambord, Loir-et-Cher, FR Liebhaberstücke. Zeitgenössische Kunst aus Mülheimer Privatsammlungen, Kunstmuseum Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, Mülheim a. d. Ruhr, DE |
2009 | Manolo Valdés in Beijing, national art Museum of China, Beijing, CN Manolo Valdés, Escultura y pintura, Galería Marlborough, Madrid, ES Santander, Donostia, Madrid, ES Manolo Valdés. Los Materiales, Beck & Eggeling International Fine Art, Dusseldorf, DE |
2008 | Manolo Valdés, las Meninas, The State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, RU Galería Aurora, Murcia, ES Fundacíon La Caixa, La Coruna, ES Manolo Valdés: Recent sculpture and Painting, Marlborough Chelsea, New York, US |
2007 | Manolo Valdés, Perfiles, obra gráfica, Marlborough, Madrid, ES Manolo Valdés at Bryant Park, Bryant Park, New York, US Manolo Valdés. oeuvre sur papier, Galerie Maeght, Paris, FR |
2006 | Manolo Valdés, Las Meninas in Düsseldorf, Beck & Eggeling, Dusseldorf, DE Manolo Valdés, Fondation Maeght, Saint-Paul de Vence, FR |
Manolo Valdés. Los Materiales
- Artist: Manolo Valdés
Editor: Ute Eggeling, Michael Beck
Text: Guillermo Solana - German, English
63 pages, 40 illustrations - Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, 2009
ISBN 978-3-93091955-0 - 28 €
Manolo Valdés. Bilder. Bronzen. Arbeiten auf Papier
- Artist: Manolo Valdés
Editor: Ute Eggeling, Michael Beck
Text: Ute Eggeling, Michael Beck - German
Hardcover, 28 x 22 cm
56 pages, 27 illustrations - Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, 2006
ISBN 978-3-93091944-4 - 25 €
Aguilera Cerni, Vicente. Panorama del Nuevo Arte Español. Guadarrama, Madrid 1966 |
Arean, Carlos. Arte Joven en España, Publicaciones Españolas. Madrid 1971 |
Arean, Carlos. Treinta Años de Arte Español (1943–1972). Madrid 1972 |
Barañano, Kosme de. Manolo Valdés. Damas. Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, Düsseldorf 2004 |
Barañano, Kosme de; Jean Marie de Móral. Manolo Valdés. El artista en su taller. Tf. editores, Madrid 2003 |
Barañano, Kosme de. Manolo Valdés. Ediciones Polígrafa, Barcelona 1999 |
Barañano, Kosme de; Weber, C. Sylvia. Spanische Kunst am Ende des Jahrhunderts, Museum Würth, Künzelsau 1998 |
Barroso Villar, Julia. Grupos de Pintura y Grabados en España 1939–1969 |
Departamento de Arte, Universidad de Oviedo, Oviedo 1979 |
Bozal, Valeriano. El Realismo entre el Desarrollo y el Subdesarrollo. |
Editorial Ciencia Nueva, Madrid 1966 |
Bozal, Valeriano. El Lenguaje Artístico. Barcelona 1970 |
Bozal, Valeriano. Historia del Arte en España. Itsmo, Madrid 1972 |
Bozal, Valeriano; Llorens, Thomás. España: Vanguardia Artística y Realidad Social: 1936–1976. Gustavo Gili Ed., Barcelona 1976 |
Bozal, Valeriano; Llorens Thomás; Dalmace, Michèle; Equipo, Crónica. Equipo Crónica: 1965–1981. Ministerio de Cultura y Fundación para el Apoyo de la Cultura, Madrid 1989 |
Bozal, Valeriano. Manolo Valdés: maneras de mirar mundos. Editores TF, Madrid 2001 |
Calvo Serraller, Francisco. España Medio Siglo de Arte de Vanguardia: 1939–1985, Fundación Santillana, Ministerio de Cultura, Madrid 1986 |
Calvo Serraller, Francisco. Del Futuro al Pasado: Vanguardia y Tradición en el Arte Español Contemporáneo. Alianza Editorial, Madrid 1988 |
Dalmace, Michèle. Equipo Crónica. Valencia, IVAM, Institut Valencia d’Art Modern 2001. |
Dyckes, William. Contemporary Spanish Art. New York 1975 |
Ebony, David. La Dama of Park Avenue; in: Art in America, 2002 |
Ferro, Enrique. Lengua castellana y literatura. Métodos, técnicas, estrategias. 4 eso. Editorial Santillana, Madrid 2003 |
Gassiot-Talabot, Gerard. La Contestation est-elle Possible?. Editorial La Connaissance, Bruxelles 1968 |
Gassiot-Talabot, Gerard. Art & Confrontation: France and the Arts in an Age of Change. Studio Vista Limited, London, New York 1970 |
Kat./Cat. Manolo Valdés. Pintura y escultura. Museo Guggenheim, Bilbao 2002/2003 |
Kat./Cat. Manolo Valdés. Obra Grafica 1981–2002. Cultural Center Casa de Vacas, Madrid 2002 |
Kat./Cat. Manolo Valdés. Como pretexto. Stiftung Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesmuseen Schloß Gottorf, Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, Düsseldorf 2001 |
Kat./Cat. Manolo Valdés. Como pretexto, Beck & Eggeling, Düsseldorf 2001 |
Llorens, Thomás. Equipo Crónica. Ed. Gustavo Gili, Col. Nueva Orbita, Barcelona 1972 |
Llorens, Thomás. Manolo Valdés. The Timelessness of Art, Texts by V. Bozal, M. B. Burke, J. M. Caballero Bonald, D. Cameron, G. Campbell, S. A. Consalvi, K. Cummings Suárez, |
K. de Barañano, C. Kesser, A. Muñoz Molina, J. F. Yvars, M. J. Bono y A. Noguera. Villegas Editores, Bogotá, Colombia 1999 |
Marchan-Fíz, Simón. Del Arte Objetual al Arte de Concepto 1960–1972. Alberto Corazón Ed., Madrid 1972 |
Marín Viadel, Ricardo. El Realismo Social en la Plástica Valenciana (1964–75). Universidad de Valencia, Valencia 1981 |
Moral, Jean Marie del. La Maison des Peintres. Flammation, Paris 2000 |
Parent, Francis; Perrot, Raymond. Le Salon de la Jeune Peinture: Une Histoire 1950–1983. Edition J.P., Montreuil 1983 |
Oppeler, Ellen C. Picasso’s Guernica. Syracuse University, New York 1988 |
Sagar, Peter. Neue Formen des Realismus. Köln 1973 |