Life and Work

Ulrike Arnold © Christoph Berdi

Ulrike Arnold paints with earth, sand and rocks. She travels to remote places on all continents, where she paints in situ, exposed to the weather and the natural forces of the environment. She collects her painting materials and mixes them with a binder to paint her huge canvases. They capture the essence of the places, where she travels.

Her paintings are an open invitation to the viewer to connect to our planet, to trigger an awareness of our coming and going. They capture something of the beauty of the earth which has been resisting the onslaught of climate change and multiple crises. For 17 years, Arnold paints also with meteorite dust, which she gets from a Meteor researcher, she met by coincidence. This material is witness to the origin of our planet in the solar system. Her paintings pay homage to the earth and its place within the cosmos.

Arnold’s paintings can be viewed as a tactile micro- or a macro-cosmos. They preserve and structure a fraction of the skin of our earth from close up while also allowing for a perspective from outer space. They are a reminder both of the beauty and of the vulnerability of the planet we all need to protect.


1950 born in Düsseldorf, Germany
1968 – 1971 studies in music and art education
1973 started teaching
1979 – 1986 studies at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, from 1980 on with Prof. Klaus Rinke (master student)
1980 traveling and working on five continents
2019 film portrait "Dialogue Earth" by Hank Levine (USA/D 2019, 74 min)

Prizes and Awards

2015 Viola Award, Flagstaff, Arizona, US
1988 Eduard von der Heydt-Förderpreis, Wuppertal, DE

Works (Selection)

Ulrike Arnold, Dunton Hot Springs, 2021
Ulrike Arnold, Dunton Hot Springs, 2021
Ulrike Arnold, Rheinsand + Meteorite #4, 2011, 2011
Ulrike Arnold, Rheinsand + Meteorite #4, 2011, 2011
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite-Azurit #8, 2008, 2019
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite-Azurit #8, 2008, 2019
Ulrike Arnold, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2006, 2006
Ulrike Arnold, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2006, 2006
Ulrike Arnold, Paradise, Chiracahua, Arizona, 1995, 1995
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite + Rhinesand #1, 2021, 2021
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorit + Rhinesand #2, 2021, 2021
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite + Rhinesand #3, 2021, 2021
Ulrike Arnold, Cueva de la Chulacao, Atacama, Chile, 2004, 2014
Ulrike Arnold, Bryce Canyon, Utah, 2008, 2008
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite #5, 2003, 2003
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite #1, 2008, 2008
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorit #2, 2008, 2008
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorite #4, 2008, 2008
Ulrike Arnold, Dunton Hot Springs, Colorado, 2006, 2006
Ulrike Arnold, Cordillera de la Sal, Atacama, 2016
Ulrike Arnold, Meteorit #5, 2006, 2006


© Beck & Eggeling

16 July 2024 / © Beck & Eggeling

Solo exhibitions (selection)

2021 transformation: desert space, Bunker 2, Bioenergiepark Saerbeck, DE
2019 COSMOVISIONS, The Yucca Valley Visual & Performing Arts Center, Yucca Valley, US
2017 Atacama: Ciela y Tierra – Arte En La Embajada, Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Santiago de Chile, CL
2015 ESPACIO CULTURAL, Fundacion Minera Escondida, San Pedro de Atacama, CL
Galeria NAC, Nicole Andreu Contemporaneo, Santiago de Chile, CL
2014 EARTH ART, Museum of Nothern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona, US
Atacama: Ciela y Tierra, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago de Chile, CL
2009 Erdgestein und Sternenstaub, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, DE
2007 Landscapes, William Siegal Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico, US
2006 Erdgestein und Sternenstaub, Altes Museum, Mönchengladbach, DE
2005 erdnah – sternenfern, Deutsche Bank AG, Köln/Cologne, DE
2001 Kolbstudio, Grand Canyon, Arizona, US
Art in Machiya, Kyoto, JP
2000 Joseph Gross Gallery, University Tuscon, Tuscon, Arizona, US
Galerie Beethovenstraße, Dusseldorf, DE
1999 Booz, Allen & Hamilton, Dusseldorf, DE
1997 International Earth Day, Antoniterkirche, Köln/Cologne, DE
Alte Brüderkirche, Cassel, DE
1995 Erdbilder, Galerie im Körnerpark, Berlin, DE
1994 Brian Goss Gallery, San Francisco, US
Stätische Galerie im Museum Folkwang, Essen, DE
1991 Erdbilder Amerika, Studiogalerie Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, DE
1989 Kunstverein Wuppertal, Wuppertal, DE
1987 Gerstman Abdallah Fine Arts, Köln/Cologne, DE
Goethe Institut, Sydney, AU
Gerstman Abdallah Fine Arts, Melbourne, AU

Group exhibitions (selection)

2021 Soroptimist International (mit Isolde Strauß – Fotografie), Stadtmuseum Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf, DE
Art Promotes a Sustainable Future "All Things Bright: The Beauty of Diversity" (with Victor van Keuren), Beijing, CN
transit and landings of an imperfect present, Palmieri Foundation, Lecce, IT
Out of Space (with Victor van Keuren), Fassraum im Wilhelm-Fabry-Museum, Hilden, DE
2020 RAUM IST PARTITUR, Künstlerforum Bonn (im Rahmen des Beethoven-Jubiläum), Bonn, DE
Das kleine Format" – Arglos Gutes: Jahresausstellung des Künstlervereins Malkasten, Jacobihaus, Dusseldorf, DE
2019 Cosmovisions, Yucca Valley Visual & Performing Arts Center, Yucca Valley, California, US
2018 FLUGBLÄTTER - FLYING LETTERS, Mikawa-chou, Maebashi / Gunma, JP
2017 cosmovisiones (mit / with Victor van Keuren), Fundación de Artistas, Mérida / Yucatán, MX
Die Grosse – Kunstausstellung NRW, Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
FLUGBLÄTTER, Kunstraum PEENETRANZ, Loitz an der Peene, DE
Sound and Performing Arts), Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna, IT
2016 non-stop (mit / with Kirsten Lampert), Kunstmuseum Solingen, Solingen, DE
2015 Ansichten XXIII – "natural affairs, QuadrART-Dornbirn – Ort zeitgenössischer Kunst, Dornbirn, AT
SPHINX THEBES FESTIVAL | GREECE, Conference Center of Thiva, Tebe, GR
2014 DAK'ART, 11. Biennale de l'Art Africain Contemporain, Dakar, SN
DAK'off, Ker Absa, Popenguine, SN
2013 Impressionen – Desierto de Atacama (mit / with Karen Lüderitz), Chilenische Botschaft, Berlin, DE
Ulrike Arnold – Painting with Ground & Sky, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada, US
2012 Die Grosse – Kunstausstellung NRW, Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
2011 Hommage an Marianne Langen – Werke aus der Sammlung, Langen Foundation, Neuss, DE
2010 Die Grosse – Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
2009 Bentley Gallery, Scottsdale, Arizona, US
QUATERRA, The Coconino Center for the Arts Gallery, Flagstaff, Arizona, US
400 ans après Galilée, Cite des Sciences et de l'industrie Paris, Paris, FR
die nach den Sternen greifen, Frauenmuseum Bonn, Bonn, DE
2008 Imagen Nomada, Goethe Institut, Dusseldorf, DE
2007 Sammlung Langen, Langen Foundation, Neuss, DE
Die Grosse – Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
2004 Langen Foundation, Neuss, DE
2001 10th International Triennale, National Gallery, New Delhi, IN
Max - Müller – Bhavan, Goethe-Institut, Bangalore, IN
1999 Amerikahaus, Frankfurt, DE
Natural Reality, Ludwigforum Aachen, Aachen, DE
Nora Eccles Harrison Museum, Logan, Utah, US
1998 Museum Erevan, Erevan
1997 Saldo – 23 Jahre Rinkeklasse, Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
Arbeiten auf Papier – Kunst der Gegenwart deutscher Künstler, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, DE
Arbeiten auf Papier – Kunst der Gegenwart deutscher Künstler, M. K. Ciurlionis Museum, Kaunas, LT
International Print Triennale, Cracow, PL
Armenienreise, Museum Bochum, Bochum, DE
1996 Felsbemalung Tagoror, Mariposa-Atlantis-Projekt, Teneriffa, ES
Große Düsseldorfer Kunstausstellung, Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
1995 The International Library, Center for Book-Arts, New York, US
1994 Pedankondji – african-european inspiration, Grassi Museum, Leipzig, DE
Pedankondji – african-european inspiration, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg, DE
World Rock Art Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona, US
1993 Pedankondji – african-european inspiration, Kunstpalast, Dusseldorf, DE
1992 Deutsche Ausstellung bei der UN-Klimakonferenz / German exhibition at UN-climate conference, Museo de Republica, Rio de Janeiro, BR
Centre Culturel Francais, Lomez (Togo)
1991 Unversity Gallery, Albuquerque, New Mexico, US
1990 Ulrike Arnold & Annette Vennebrücke, Kampnagel KX, Hamburg, DE
Performance, mit/with: Cheryl Banks (Tanz/dance) & Peter Kowald (Kontrabass/double bass), Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, DE
University Gallery, Flagstaff, Arizona, US
1989 Past, Present, Future (A. T. W.), Galerie Langage Plus, Montreal, CA
The International Symposium of Art and The Invisible Reality, East Brunswick, New Jersey, US
1988 Aufschlüsse, Ruhrlandmuseum, Essen, DE
1987 Standort, Darmstädter Sezession, Darmstadt, DE
Standort, Krakow, PL
The Two, A. T. W. (Around the World), simultan in / simultaneous in, New York / Düsseldorf
Aralum Artcenter, Alice Springs, AU
1986 Material für Poesie, Von der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, DE
1981 Klasse Prof. Klaus Rinke, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, Dusseldorf, DE



ausgewählte Literatur:
2019: "Dialogue Earth", Buch und DVD mit einem Dokumentarfilm über die Künstlerin von Hank Levine (Deutschland 2019, 74 min.)
2014: "Ulrike Arnold – Atacama: Cielo y Tierra" (Ausstellungskatalog), Hrsg. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Santiago de Chile 2014. ISBN 978-956-19-0878-9
2014: "Ulrike Arnold – Above and below and all over the world. Recent paintings" (Ausstellungskatalog), Hrsg. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff (AZ) 2014. Mit der DVD "Earthpainting" (30 min.) mit Videomaterial aus den Jahren 1987 – 2009. DCM-Verlag, Meckenheim. ISBN 978-3-944976-20-4
2011: “Earth. Ulrike Arnold", Hrsg. Ulrike Arnold, Düsseldorf 2011. ISBN 978-3-00-033533-4
selected publications:
2019: "Dialogue Earth", book and DVD with a documentary film about the artist by Hank Levine (Germany 2019, 74 min.)
2014: "Ulrike Arnold – Atacama: Cielo y Tierra" (exhibition catalogue), ed. Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (MAC), Santiago de Chile 2014. ISBN 978-956-19-0878-9
2014: "Ulrike Arnold – Above and below and all over the world. Recent paintings" (exhibition catalogue), ed. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff (AZ) 2014. With the DVD "Earthpainting" (30 min.) including video footage from 1987 – 2009. DCM-publishing, Meckenheim (Germany). ISBN 978-3-944976-20-4
2011: “Earth. Ulrike Arnold", ed. Ulrike Arnold, Düsseldorf 2011. ISBN 978-3-00-033533-4



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