Gehard Demetz. Coming Out

Works by Italian sculptor Gehard Demetz can be seen as of 5th April as part of a dual solo exhibition dedicated to him and Lithuanian artist Laisvydė Šalčiūtė at LaGalleria Arte Contemporanea in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua.


Both artists in this exhibition use wood in order to create their figures: Demetz in the traditional medium of sculpture, Šalčiūtė with woodcuts transferred onto canvas, which she then hand-paints. Religion, mythology, history and art are tightly interwoven in both artists' work.


Coming Out is to be taken literally ‒ as a venture into the portraying of human fragility made possible by art.

(Text in parts: Palazzo Ducale Mantova)


Palazzo Ducale Mantova

»COMING OUT« Gehard Demetz / Laisvydė Šalčiūtė

LaGalleria Arte Contemporanea

5. April ‒ 26. Mai 2019

Opening: Thursday, 4 April 2019, 6 pm

© Gehard Demetz + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Palazzo Ducale Mantova

Available works of the artist

Gehard Demetz, It was not an apple tree, 2023
Gehard Demetz, It was not an apple tree, 2023
Gehard Demetz, I am sorry to have forgotten the dreams I made as child, 2010
Gehard Demetz, I am sorry to have forgotten the dreams I made as child, 2010
Gehard Demetz, Threshold Area, 2005
Gehard Demetz, Iron for Gold, 2016, © Gehard Demetz + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Gehard Demetz, Untitled, 2016, © Gehard Demetz + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Gehard Demetz, Debt to My Mother, 2013, © Gehard Demetz + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Gehard Demetz, Objekt 5, 2012, © Gehard Demetz + VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn

Past exhibitions at Beck & Eggeling

Selected Publications of the Artist

Gehard Demetz. Contenitore

Gehard Demetz. Contenitore

  • Artist: Gehard Demetz
    Editor: Ute Eggeling, Michael Beck
    Text: Gesine Borcherdt, Kirsten Nordahl
    Design: Beck & Eggeling (Antonia Eggeling)
  • English, German
    Hardcover, 28,5 x 22 cm
    56 pages, 28 illustrations
  • Beck & Eggeling Kunstverlag, 2011
    ISBN 978-3-93091974-1
  • sold out


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